Pressemitteilung | IGB | 27-05-2019

Excellent training at IGB

IGB has been awarded by the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for its "Excellent Training Quality".

Stefan Mathews (1. from left) of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Berlin congratulates the IGB for its "Excellent Training Quality".|Photo: Nadja Neumann

Stefan Mathews, area leader of the IHK Berlin, presented the honor on today to representatives of the IGB: "We assign the 101. seal today. This clarifies, in view of the over 5000 training enterprises in Berlin that this seal is no standard, but a genuine achievement of engaged trainers as well as a good organizytional structure."

"This is a great success that makes us proud," says Mark Gessner, acting director of the IGB. "We are pleased that the IHK has awarded our commitment to outstanding training conditions with the seal of approval for excellent training quality. As a scientific institute, the training of committed junior staff is part of this."

The IGB has been training for about 12 years with great commitment in the professions of chemical and biological laboratory technician, specialist assistant for media and information services, IT specialist and office clerk for office management. Anyone who meets the IHK's requirements for special training quality can apply for the quality seal. In addition to the criteria in the two categories of duty and excellence, we have also fulfilled the "freestyle". For example, it is not only a matter of course for us that our trainees receive an appropriate training allowance and that we provide them with all the necessary work equipment free of charge, but also that our trainees are offered individual examination preparation and are taken on if they perform well.

A training consultant from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce checked with the trainees and their colleagues at the ITUC who are responsible for the training to see whether our ideas of good training also match the needs of our trainees. Result: Trainees and trainers confirm the special quality and compliance with the criteria.
The IHK seal is now valid for two years. After that, a new inspection is necessary to ensure that we have not slackened our efforts.

Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB)
Melanie Waterhölter
Tel. 030 64181-910