Anti-discrimination and General Equal Treatment Act (AGG):
If you want to talk to us.
The Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. takes a wide variety of measures to prevent discrimination. An important element is the establishment of complaints offices in accordance with the AGG at the legal office and at individual institutes of Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. If the prohibition of discrimination is violated, such behaviour will be stopped with the means available. All employees can point out discriminatory actions or circumstances. In accordance with the legal regulations, the complaints offices will examine the complaints and communicate the result of the examination to the person concerned.
The aim of the AGG is to prevent or eliminate discrimination on the grounds of certain characteristics. According to the law, these are
In addition, there may be other grounds of discrimination, such as classism, which are not covered by the law, but which the complaints offices of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. nevertheless take up.
The complaints offices listen, support and advise. All contacts are confidential. The complaints offices check whether and to what extent discrimination has occurred on the basis of a discriminatory ground. The result is communicated to the complainant and any further step is agreed upon.
If the complaint is justified, the complaints offices immediately initiate the appropriate measures under labour law or disciplinary law in the individual case.