Excellent research, organized efficiently: the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB) is one of Berlin’s largest non-university research institutions. FVB comprises seven institutes that conduct cutting-edge research in the fields of natural, engineering, life and environmental sciences.
Their successes are evident, among others, in outstanding evaluations, the numerous ERC Grants awarded, and their involvement in four clusters of excellence.
FVB has about 1,600 employees, including degree candidates, doctoral candidates and visiting scientists. The Directors of the institutes, and several other scientists, hold professorships at universities in Berlin and Brandenburg. Such intertwining ensures that the institutes have close links to teaching and research in higher education institutions.
The institutes under the umbrella of the Forschungsverbund Berlin belong to the Leibniz Association, and are funded jointly by the German federation and the federal states. FVB provides its seven institutes with a Joint Administration, creating key synergies in administration and governance, as well as a platform for academic exchange.
The current annual report (in German only) provides an insight into the research of the institutes and the development of FVB.