Several successful spin-offs have already come from various institutes of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.. Some have won several awards, including the Leibniz Start-Up Prize.
Previous start-up projects have come from the following institutes:
Advisory and support services
The Leibniz Transfer Department provides advice and support to Leibniz Association employees wishing to establish a start-up.
In 1998, the German government launched EXIST – University-Based Business Start-Ups. Since then, this program has funded measures to improve the entrepreneurial environment at universities and research institutions. The EXIST program is part of the “High-Tech Strategy” of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, and includes three program lines: “EXIST Culture of Entrepreneurship”, “EXIST Transfer of Research” and “EXIST Business Start-Up Grant”.
The Adlershof Founder’s Lab provides support to graduates as well as to scientists from universities, non-university research institutions and companies seeking to bring to life their startup idea and prepare a business plan. Technical and technology-focused team start-ups are eligible for support. Business founders are supported with funds appropriated by the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises and the European Social Fund.