The Marthe Vogt Award

Every year since 2001, FVB has presented the Marthe Vogt Award worth € 3,000 to a young female scientist who has written an outstanding PhD within a scientific area covered by FVB in the region of Berlin and Brandenburg.

You can download the call for nominations here.

The 2024 Marthe Vogt Award ceremony will take place on Thursday, November 7, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Leibniz Headquarters as part of Berlin Science Week.
Register until October 18, 2024 via!

The recording of the Marthe Vogt Award ceremony 2022 is available here:

The institutes’ fields of research include, among others, molecular pharmacology, structural biology and chemical biology, new materials, aquatic ecology and biodiversity research, veterinary medicine, biotechnology and environmental research, nanomaterials, quantum materials, optoelectronics and materials research, laser research and light matter interaction and applied mathematics. The doctorate should have been completed at a non-university research institution or at a university in the Berlin/Brandenburg region.

Name giver Marthe Vogt (1903-2003) researched neurotransmitters and worked at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Hirnforschung in Berlin-Buch, today‘s location of our Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP). She is a role model for our prize in an academic and human way. Because of the National Socialist policy against Jewish scientists, she left Germany in 1935 and continued her research in Great Britain.