Total number of employees: | 1.657 |
Scientists: | 969 |
Of those: |
employed: | 726 |
from abroad: | 340 |
visiting: | 243 |
from abroad: | 129 |
Percentage of female academic staff: | 34,8 |
Percentage of foreign academic staff: | 48,4 |
Nations represented: | 67 |
Doctoral candidates: | 262 | |
Of those |
| |
internal: | 221 | |
external: | 41 | |
Scholarship holders: | 39 | |
Of those |
| |
internal: | 0 | |
external: | 39 | |
Apprentices: | 13 |
Basic Budget (in euro): | 102.8 million |
Third-party funding of institutes (in euro): | 34.8 million |
Third-party funding as a share of the total budget: | 25.3% |
Joint professorships: | 38 |
Participartion in ongoing Clusters of Excellence: | 4 |
Total number of ERC Grants obtained to date: | 25 |
As of 31 December 2023