
Photo: WIAS | from the video clip: Mathematics is our universal language!

The Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB) sees the proactive promotion of diversity among its employees as an important goal. The Diversity and Inclusion Strategy* adopted in 2022 serves as a guideline for the FVB and its seven member institutes to create a welcoming, diverse and inclusive working environment.

We are aiming to:

  • Promote diversity and inclusion and equal opportunities for all employees
  • Build an inclusive environment for a safe, supportive and respectful working environment
  • Nominate one diversity officer per institute
  • Establish visible conflict counselling structures and transparent complaints processes
  • Invest resources in training and setting up diversity-promoting recruitment and career development processes

*The diversity and inclusion strategy guides our academic and non-academic staff – regardless of their individual, social and structural diversity – to recognize differences in privilege, reduce prejudice and bias and create opportunities for underprivileged colleagues.